Milton Keynes drug dealer who sold ecstasy that killed 15 year old girl jailed

Mollie Nutt's family have released a statement following the sentencing

Author: Grace McGachyPublished 13th Jun 2021

A drug dealer who sold ecstasy to a teenage girl who later died from an overdose has been jailed.

24 year old Dione Grech of Cliveden Place, Westcroft, Milton Keynes, sold £50 worth of MDMA, also known as ecstasy, to Mollie Nutt in July 2018.

He has been sentenced to four years and three months in prison.

Mollie took the substance with her boyfriend in Stantonbury, Milton Keynes, on 23 July 2018.

She went into cardiac arrest shortly afterwards and was taken to hospital, where she died.

A post-mortem examination confirmed that she died from an overdose of the class A drug.

Her boyfriend also spent time in hospital, recovering from the drug’s effects.

Grech admitted to five drugs charges, but he denied that he had sold Mollie the drugs that caused her death, claiming instead that he had sold them to her boyfriend.

The Crown Prosecution Service and Thames Valley Police challenged this claim in a trial of issue hearing.

The judge ruled in favour of the prosecution and Grech was sentenced at Aylesbury Crown Court on Friday (11 June).

Following Grech’s sentence, Mollie’s family has released the following statement:

“We would like to remind people, especially teenagers like Mollie that you are not invincible when it comes to taking drugs.

“Please just think carefully about the possible consequences, before taking any illegal substances.

“Mollie had her whole life ahead of her, but her misadventure on that sunny day at the beginning of the school holidays has robbed her of that, and left her family devastated.”

Investigating Officer Detective Constable Leanne Shepherd, of Milton Keynes CID, said:

“This is a tragic case whereby a deal of MDMA has resulted in the death of Mollie Nutt.

“Nothing will bring Mollie back, but I am satisfied that due to strong evidence obtained by Thames Valley Police and presented to the court by the Crown Prosecution Service, the court found that Dione Grech knowingly supplied the MDMA to Mollie.

"As a result of this ruling, Grech has been jailed for to four years and three months.”