Mid-Bedfordshire: what the new MP set as his priorities

Alistair Strathern told Greatest Hits Radio what his priorities as the new MP for Mid-Bedfordshire are.

Alistair Strathern
Author: Zoe Head-ThomasPublished 5th Nov 2023
Last updated 14th Nov 2023

Alistair Strathern won the by-election in Mid-Bedfordshire on the 19th of October, and today marks two weeks since he was first sworn into Parliament.

The Labour MP overturned a long-lasting Tory stronghold in the area, winning with 13,872 votes, with the Conservative candidate coming second with 12,680 votes.

Although it is a victory for Labour, the turnout was significantly smaller than the last general election, with 44% compared to 73,7% in the 2019 General Election.

Nonetheless, Alistair Strathern assured he is enjoying his victory, and answered Greatest Hits Radio's questions.

How has your victory been received locally?

"I've been very touched by how many people have made the effort come to my surgery, to message me, contact me, even people who may have supported Conservative."

"Some have approached me with some really interesting solutions to challenges that they'll be able to work with me on."

"That's why I was keen to get my surgery up and running quickly."

Are you making visibility a priority?

"Absolutely. One of the things I can throw myself into straight away is making sure I am much more accountable and accessible to people here than maybe my predecessor managed to be."

"Looking to get my office up and running as quickly as possible, holding my first constituency surgery and my first week as an MP is really important because it's not just something that shows I can help people, it's an opportunity for people to hold me to account."

What are your goals as the new MP for Mid-Bedfordshire?

"First and foremost it's visibility, it is giving people that MP who'll be there when they need whether that's an issue raised with the council, a local stakeholder, or someone who can convene and help to tackle problems that they're facing in their towns and villages."

"Throughout the campaign a number of issues came up that I'm looking to work hard on, on behalf of people, across Mid-Bedfordshire."

"From improving health provisions in the area, making sure that we're creating more opportunities for young people growing up here, more support for tackling the cost-of-living, a planning system that really works for our towns and villages, and a police presence that feels a bit more visible and active in our communities."

"Alongside that there are some not-so-particularly local issues too from improving bus networks, to challenges around water capacity in certain villages."

Mr Strathern told Greatest Hits Radio he is delighted and honoured to be the new MP, and to have received a "warm welcome" from other MPs of all parties.