Life line for shops and businesses in Hemel Town Centre

Dacorum Borough Council confirms Article 4 Direction

Author: Olivia DaviesPublished 16th Nov 2021

Recent changes in planning rules mean that a range of commercial premises including shops and other services could be converted to houses or flats without the need for planning permission.

Dacorum Borough Council is concerned about the impact this could have on the main shopping area in Hemel Hempstead town centre, as it could lead to the loss of shops, cafes, gyms and other business premises which provide services to residents, workers and visitors.

Consequently, the Council made an Article 4 Direction which came into force on 29 July 2021, to protect the main parts of the town centre from being converted to residential use without planning permission.

The Direction means that planning permission will continue to be required if there are proposals to convert shops and other street-level premises to residential use, leaving the Council in control of decision-making.

The Council carried out a consultation on the Direction, which ended on 29 August 2021. Following consideration of the responses received, the Council has decided to confirm the main parts of the town centre as an Article 4 area. The Direction will remain in effect until such time as it may be modified or cancelled.

An Article 4 Direction is a special planning regulation adopted by a Local Planning Authority in all or part of its area. It operates by removing permitted development rights from whatever is specified in the Article 4 Direction.

The effect of these Article 4 Directions is that planning permission is required for these developments that would otherwise not require an application for planning permission. This enables the Council to consider these developments through the planning process so as to ensure that they accord with its policies to improve the local environment, protect businesses and other relevant issues.