Letter sent to Bucks schoolgirl during WWII resurfaces in old book

There is now a campaign to reunite Miss Pat & her letter.

Author: Dan GoodingPublished 11th Nov 2020

A letter sent to a schoolgirl in High Wycombe, 75 years ago, has turned up in an old book.

Today, the search is on to try and find Miss Pat or her family and reunite them with a precious item.

On a winter's day in February 1944 from Italy, a Lance Corporal named 'John' took to pen and paper to thank a schoolgirl in High Wycombe for her small yet valuable contribution to the war effort.

She had knitted mittens for anonymous troops in the trenches.

76 years later, this piece of World War 2 history was rediscovered by World of Books, who sell used books and media, tucked away inside a book being prepared for resale.

A schoolgirl doing her bit

The letter's recipient, 'Miss Pat' of Hatters Lane Senior School in High Wycombe Buckinghamshire, would have been one of many civilians on the home front who were encouraged to do their bit to support the British War effort, according to the British Red Cross who were approached by the company for help - and who themselves ran a number of initiatives to get Britain knitting.

"You can well be proud of the part you played within this great war machine with your weapons: a few knitting needles!"

The British Red Cross has been helping people in crisis for 150 years, providing support to those who need it most, no matter who or where they are.

During the First and Second World Wars, the organisation gave relief to sick and wounded members of the armed forces, prisoners of war and civilians.

A plan to reunite letter & owner

Now, World of Books and British Red Cross are teaming up to try and reunite this precious letter with its owner and to celebrate the small acts of kindness from home that provided such comfort to soldiers serving overseas.

Graham Bell, CEO of World of Books Group says:

"Over 75 million used books come through our business each year, and we occasionally come across forgotten personal items tucked away inside them.

It's incredibly common for people to place memories inside books for safe keeping, whether it be family photographs or letters from loved ones.

"But this find is particularly poignant, especially as we approach Armistice Day - and is a first for World of Books. The letter undoubtedly holds great sentimental value. We'd love to reunite it with its owner or their family.

"As a circular economy business, we're focused on finding used items new homes. In this case, it would be wonderful to bring this letter back full circle to its original owner."

Mezebhin Adam, Curator at the British Red Cross said:

"The letter is a lovely find and is a perfect first-hand example of how kindness can keep people connected during a crisis, something the British Red Cross has been doing for 150 years.

"During the Second World War, the British Red Cross encouraged people to knit comforts for sick and wounded soldiers and prisoners of war. We provided knitting patterns to those on the home front and we even have examples of some of the knitted items in our museum collection.

"The stories of these activities are always lovely to hear, especially from such a personal heartwarming letter."

If you have any information that could help World of Books and the British Red Cross reunite this letter with its owner or their families, contact press@worldofbooks.com