Leighton Buzzard man behind bars for sexually abusing two young girls

He has been jailed more than five years.

Published 14th Sep 2020

A man from Leighton Buzzard has been jailed for more than five years for sexually assaulting two young girls.

Gary Roff, aged 60, of Richmond Road, was sentenced to 63 months’ behind bars and issued with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for an indefinite period at Luton Crown Court on Tuesday (8 September).

He pleaded guilty to eight counts of sexual assault during court hearings at Luton Magistrates’ Court and Luton Crown Court in April.

Police say Roff targeted the girls over a twelve month period, taking opportunities to indecently assault them on a number of occasions.

Offences were reported to Bedfordshire Police in December last year, with further disclosures made by the victims during the investigation.

Following the sentencing, PC Benjamin Robertson from Bedfordshire Police’s Protecting Vulnerable People Unit, who led the investigation, said:

"This was a particularly sensitive investigation.

"Roff targeted two young vulnerable victims with his predatory behaviour, and he will now spend time behind bars.

"I would like to recognise the enormous bravery and strength of the two young girls who came forward and told their parents about this abuse.

"They have been supported throughout the process and I hope that today’s sentence can in some way help their path to recovery and allows them to have a sense of justice, and closure so they can now flourish in their lives.

"I would encourage anyone who has been abused, no matter how long ago it happened, to come forward and tell us, and we will do all we can to support you and get justice for you."

Anybody who has concerns about child sexual abuse or who has been a victim, is encouraged to report it to Bedfordshire Police on 101.

The NSPCC website has information on how to teach children about staying safe from sexual abuse, including the PANTS underwear rule:

P – Privates are private

A – Always remember your body belongs to you

N – No means no

T – Talk about secrets that upset you

S – Speak up, someone can help.