Chiltern Society and Ramblers secure attractive new High Wycombe footpath
The agreement has been made with a developer for the area
As part of negotiations about the future routing of public footpaths through the Abbey Barn Park development site on the outskirts of High Wycombe.
The Chiltern Society and the Ramblers have worked with the developer, Berkeley Homes, to create an additional half-mile-long public footpath within an avenue of trees in the ancient parkland of Daws Hill House bordering the development.
The new footpath will link two existing public rights of way leading from the Rye to open country south of the M40, and will therefore both provide an attractive circular walk close to the town and better links to the rural path-network beyond the M40.
When building work in the area has been completed, a second new public footpath is to be created. This will link the new footpath through a green gap in the development to an existing path on the edge of Deangarden Wood.
The walking groups wish to thank Berkeley Homes for this public-spirited act which will benefit not only residents of their development but the wider population of the town.
The blue dotted line is the diversion of footpath 59 proposed by Berkeley Homes, which the groups accepted following agreement that a new public right of way will be created through The Ride linking the bridleway on the edge of the Pine Trees development with Abbey Barn Lane, as shown in purple.
In addition, Berkeley Homes has agreed to extend footpath 60, at a later date, to link The Ride with Deangarden Wood, as shown in green.