Coronavirus closes Buckinghamshire school tomorrow with sixth form self isolating

The Buckingham School have announced the measures today.

Author: Scarlett Bawden-GaulPublished 18th Nov 2020
Last updated 18th Nov 2020

The Buckinghamshire school has announced sixth form members have tested positive for COVID-19.

The Buckingham School has announced they will be closed tomorrow for a deep clean and all of the sixth form will self isolate after a number of students in that bubble tested positive for coronavirus.

An update on their website reads:

  • School will be closed tomorrow, Thursday 19th November
  • Year 8 Parents Evening Remote Event will continue as planned on Thursday 19th November
  • School will be closed on Tuesday 24th November
  • The Sixth Form will have remote learning for 14 days, until Friday 27th November, with on-site teaching resuming on Monday 30th November

"We have a number of students within our 6th Form Bubble which have tested positive for Covid-19, hence our decision to close our 6th Form today. Following consultation with Public Health England, all 6th Form students will self-isolate for 14 days, until Friday 27th November, returning to school on Monday 30th November.

In addition, we have arranged with Rentokil to complete a Covid-19 Clean on our 6 th Form Block and other areas accessed by these students, as well as all the toilets. They will also complete a general clean on other areas of the school, to offer further reassurance to our staff and students.

Therefore, please note, that the school will be closed to all students and staff tomorrow, Thursday 19th November, in order for this clean to be completed. All students, other than 6th Form or those already self-isolating will return on Friday 20th November. Staff (although minimal) that have been in contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19, within 2 metres, for 15 minutes or more, will also be self-isolating.

Please can you also remind your child/ren of the importance of the key message from the Government: Hands, Face, Space; this is key in order to protect themselves, their families and friends.

Please note that it is too late to cancel the planned closure on Tuesday 24th November. The school has already committed to a number of costs on that day, as well as cancelling school buses.

Buckingham has until now seemingly escaped increased infection rates, but these are clearly rising in the locality with other schools also now more affected. It is more important than ever than your children observe the national restrictions whilst they are not in school, in particular:

When not at school, they should remain at home

They should not visit another student’s home

They are allowed to meet one person in a public space, but it would be naïve to think that children stick to this – so please consider carefully what you allow your child(ren) to do and where you allow them to go

We appreciate how stressful this situation is for families and we will continue to be as quick and clear in our communication as possible. Please be reassured that we are being guided by external specialists and agencies when we make decisions affecting the safety of our community.

Yours faithfully

Mr A McGinnes, Headteacher"