Charity supporting those struggling financially in Bucks welcomes new reforms
They are hoping it will, in turn, help reduce an ever-growing demand for their service
A charity supporting those struggling financially in Buckinghamshire welcomes a new set bills expected to alleviate pressures on individuals across the country.
Earlier this week, the new Labour Government announced a set of reforms, including a Budget Responsibility Bill to better control spending and tax changes, a Housing Reform to give renters the right to challenge unreasonable rent increases, or a Green Energy Bill.
Citizens Advice typically support individuals directly affected by tax increases, those at risk of eviction or struggling to pay their rent, or facing high energy bills.
Economic Growth and Financial Stability
According to Citizens Advice, the proposed economic policies could lead to an easing of the financial strain on individuals, thereby improving their quality of life.
Craig Glynn, Chief Executive Officer for Citizens Advice Buckinghamshire, said: "The broader financial climate is putting significant pressure on people."
"If the government is able to deliver on economic growth and stability, we should see a general easing of the financial picture for people."
Energy and Green Initiatives
On energy concerns, Citizens Advice pointed to recent cost increases.
Mr Glynn said: "We've seen a recent spike in utilities issues."
"News around this comes quite on time for the people we reach in Buckinghamshire who are really struggling."
Employment and Workers' Rights
Mr Glynn pointed at the positive implications of expanding unfair dismissal protections and other employment-related reforms.
"It's promising to hear about expanding unfair dismissal protections," he said.
However, concerns around zero-hours contracts remain, as while they can be seen as unfair and lacking in workers' rights, these types of contracts are more suitable for some.
he said: "We've seen examples where zero-hours contracts are exploitative, but such contracts can be beneficial for certain individuals requiring flexible work arrangements."
Housing and Renters' Rights
A major concern for the charity in recent years has been individuals' inability to pay rent, facing eviction, or unable to face rent increases.
The reform around housing could therefore better provide for many who have been turning to Citizens Advice for support.
Mr Glynn said: "No-fault evictions are a particular problem, and can often lead to emotional distress and financial instability."
Part of the housing reform further relates to new development plans. While there is a growing need for housing, Mr Glynn highlighted that the management of such infrastructure would need to be thoroughly looked at.
He said: "More houses in this area is fantastic, but how they're managed then becomes crucial."
NHS Savings and Access to Services
"We've contributed to a saving of £840,000 to NHS services," said Mr Glynn.
There is an ever-growing need for NHS funding, and improved access to healthcare services.
He said: "One of the biggest barriers to solving day-to-day issues is people's state of mental health."
With better access to mental health services, some of the daily struggles and pressures people face could be alleviated.