Citizens Advice Bucks appeals for help as poverty rises

Citizens Advice Bucks are trying to save Christmas for families that have fallen into poverty

Author: Monty McPheePublished 2nd Dec 2021

Citizens Advice Bucks is appealing for help this Christmas to tackle winter poverty across Buckinghamshire with the launch of the charity’s Winter Christmas Poverty Appeal.

The charity's Chief Executive Thalia Jervis said:

"Over the past few months there has been a 250% rise in people living off Universal Credit in Bucks - a benefit that is given to those most in need."

The charity has teamed up with the National Emergencies Trust.

They are hoping to attract funding through the CrowdFunder page in an appeal where the National Emergencies Trust will match donations up to £250.

The aim is to raise £10,000 so they can increase the number of people they are able to help.

Currently for every one person they are able to help the charity has to turn away two others.

"No one should have to make the choice between heating and eating"

Money Advice Manager for the charity, Iram Rashid, spoke of the importance of the appeal:

"People are coming to us with debt and often in housing debt, at risk of losing their homes to repossessions or eviction.

"Our goal is to help people get back on track with their finances after they have been hit with long periods of furlough or unemployment, and maximise their income.

"No one should have to make the choice between heating and eating.

"Funds we raise will help us run this service."

Anna Day - The charity's fundraiser

Anna Day explained why she set up the campaign:

"Citizens Advice has always been there to help everyone, and has helped me get back up on my feet more than a few times before I came to work here.

"I wanted to do this campaign so we can help the thousands of people who have crept more and more into debt over the course of the year to bounce back, just like they helped me."

People can donate, and have their donation matched, until Christmas Day.
