Bucks school group test positive for coronavirus

The Council are trying to reassure parents as pupils head back to the classroom.

Author: Dan GoodingPublished 2nd Sep 2020

Parents are being reassured a Buckinghamshire school is safe, after a group of kids and their families came down with covid-19.

Older year groups at Sir William Borlase's in Marlow will now go back later than planned, to allow self-isolation to finish.

These cases are all linked and were acquired abroad during the school holidays.

All households are now self-isolating having been contacted by test and trace staff.

Anita Cranmer, Buckinghamshire Council's Cabinet Member for Education and Skills said:

"The school is clean and safe to return to and there will be a staggered start to the school year with the older students returning slightly later to allow pupils to complete the self-isolation period. Public Health England are actively investigating these cases and have traced contacts to ensure that they are aware of the need to self-isolate."

Anita added that there should be no cause for wider alarm and the advice to all Buckinghamshire residents remains the same: protect yourselves and others by observing social distancing rules, stay at home if told to do so by Test and Trace and get tested if you start showing symptoms of Covid-19.

Cllr. Cranmer said:

"We thank the children and families involved for their vigilance and quick action in isolating and would urge any other Buckinghamshire residents to do the same, should any member of the household develop coronavirus symptoms or if you think you may have been in close contact with someone who's tested positive"