Bucks Council urge residents to stay safe as coronavirus cases rise

The council are asking people to stay vigilant when it comes to restrictions and guidance.

Author: Scarlett Bawden-GaulPublished 9th Oct 2020
Last updated 9th Oct 2020

Cases of Coronavirus have risen across Buckinghamshire recently.

Coronavirus cases in Buckinghamshire are continuing to rise and residents across the county are being reminded to follow the rules at all times in a bid to stem the increase.

In the seven days leading up to 3 October, 231 Buckinghamshire residents tested positive for coronavirus. This equates to around 42 cases per 100,000 people. This is an increase in positive cases of 86% from the previous week.

Case numbers are rising more quickly in some areas than others, with Chiltern and South Buckinghamshire currently having a weekly rate of around 60 cases per 100,000 people.

Latest coronavirus case numbers for Buckinghamshire can be found here.

While these numbers are much lower than in some other parts of the UK, public health officials at Buckinghamshire Council are concerned about the rise and are asking everyone to do their bit to stop the virus spreading further. This is particularly important as we move towards colder and darker weather - which naturally makes us all want to stay indoors more.

Some of the best ways to halt the spread of the virus are to:

  • Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly for at least 20 seconds.
  • Wear a face covering as often as possible where advised or required such as in shops or restaurants (while you aren't eating and drinking) unless you are exempt.
  • Keep a minimum of two metres (6ft) away from anyone you don't live with or with whom you're not in a support bubble.
  • Always stick to the rule of six - none of us should be socialising in groups of more than six people, including children.
  • Reduce the amount of people you meet, which will help lower your risk of catching the virus.
  • Book a test if you develop coronavirus symptoms and make sure you and anyone else you live with isolates immediately (call 119 if you can't book a test online).
  • If you have a smartphone, download the NHS COVID-19 app which supports the Test and Trace system.

Martin Tett, Leader of Buckinghamshire Council, said:

"The last thing any of us wants is for any freedoms to be curtailed even more because of this virus. We want to keep our businesses open and our economy strong. We want to carry on being able to see friends and loved ones safely.

"To do these things we all have to use our basic common sense when going about our lives. Please make sure you're all aware of the current guidance and what we all need to do as we try to control the virus and turn the current rise in infections back round. I cannot stress enough how vital this is as we move into winter.

"Some areas bordering Buckinghamshire currently have higher numbers of cases - if you go somewhere outside Bucks for work, to shop, to eat or see people, please take a look first at what's happening in that area. You might want to ensure you take extra measures to protect yourself and others.

"We really are at another critical point in the pandemic, so please keep looking after yourselves and each other."

Gareth Williams, Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Health, added:

"We all have a part to play in stopping the spread of coronavirus. Our best defence is to follow the most basic rules - Hands, Face, Space. You may also want to consider limiting the number of people you come into contact with - the fewer people you see, the less chance you have of catching and spreading the virus.

"It's also worth noting that the risks of catching the virus are much higher indoors. Where possible I recommend meeting up with friends and family outdoors, where the risk is lower. Of course, given the recent weather, you may need to wrap up warm."

More mobile testing sites will be arriving in Buckinghamshire over the coming week – in High Wycombe, Buckingham and Marlow.

The testing sites will be at:

• High Wycombe, from Saturday, 10 October for up to two days; and then again on Friday, 16 October for up to three days

• Buckingham, on Monday, 12 October

• Marlow, on Wednesday, 14 October for up to two days