Bucks Council have local coronavirus outbreak plan

They are prepared should coronavirus infection rates rise

Author: Scarlett Bawden-GaulPublished 7th Sep 2020

Buckinghamshire Council say they are prepared should coronavirus figures rise but maintain currently they are at a manageable level.

Residents who are worried about figures and plans are being asked to check the councils website which has cases listed by local area and the local plan for an outbreak.

The Local Plan information introduces the method and key areas the Council will focus on should cases rise.

these include vulnerable people, workforce and how data is shared.

Cabinet Member for Public Health Gareth Williams says they are constantly looking at the number of cases:

"We are working very closely with Public Health England and neighbouring authorities as well.

"We have escalation trigger points as well, internally if you like, as a council. So do Public Health England and the regional context too.

"There are three classifications if you like nationally form an area of concern to an area of intervention.

"Areas of intervention typically have between 40 and 70 cases per 100,000 people, while in Buckinghamshire we are nearer 11."

However, he wanted to reassure people this does not mean they are being complacent.

After cases rose in Tring and Berkhamsted and a Bucks school saw an outbreak, people have been looking to understand how the area are monitoring the situation.

Gareth Williams says they will continue to update residents on rises that are relevant, but the main message is to get

"We have all been through lockdown and the only way we are going to avoid going through another lockdown like that is by being vigilant, get tested and isolate as soon as you have symptoms.

"We will have to cross the local lockdown bridges when we come to them, but they are not on the cards at the moment."