New report recognises Bucks Fire and Rescue's work through the pandemic

Staff have been helping the community by driving ambulances among other things

Author: Scarlett Bawden-GaulPublished 26th Jan 2021

Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue have been helping the local community in new ways recently.

A recent inspection of Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service focused on their work during the pandemic, particularly how they have been supporting the local community.

The report from this showcases the range of services the staff have helped provide over the last 10 months.

Mick Osborne is Deputy Chief Fire Office for Bucks Fire and Rescue Service:

"We have been working in areas we wouldn't have traditionally been involved in, so driving ambulances. We have a number of staff that have been driving them and continue to do so.

"We have been training care home staff about how to put PPE on, packaging up for parcels for the vulnerable and more recently setting up vaccination centres.

"Just this weekend we have a number of crews clearing snow and picking up the vulnerable to get them home from these appointments.

"What we didnt want was people missing their vaccines because of the bad weather so we had people with 4x4 cars and then we had crews just clearing snow in the car parks.

"They were all still available for primary firefighting roles if they needed it but they helped there while they could.

"So, we have been doing an awful lot around the community which they have recognised in this report. It has really been a learning experience but a really positive one not just for the public but for the staff as well."

Mick explained that is has been difficult, although the staff are happy to help in whatever way they can adjusting training amongst a pandemic has been hard.

This includes having to train 16 new staff members as well as moving to a new centre with TVP and SCAS in Milton Keynes.

Mick says this report has been a boost to staff, which was needed:

"The report has had an impact on morale, across the board it has been received well and we recognise that.

"Being able to help in these vaccination centres has really boosted morale, because they feeling like they are part of the solution.

"From the public as well, we have never got so many emails and letters of thanks.

"Nobody does it for the recognition but it has been amazing to see the staff get thanks for what they're doing.

"All credit to every staff member we are proud of each and every one of them and they have adapted magnificently."

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