Buckinghamshire residents urged to take part in Census Day by council

March 21st is the national day to fill out the survey

Author: Scarlett Bawden-GaulPublished 21st Mar 2021

Residents in Buckinghamshire are being encouraged to fill out the Census today.

Although the letter was sent out earlier in the month, today is the official Census day.

Buckinghamshire Council are asking local people to ensure if they haven't already, they complete it today.

Cllr Gareth Williams, Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Health, said:

"The census provides a snapshot of our communities and there has been some interesting data in the past.

"Our archive team has said back in 1841 there were some interesting jobs so there was a bee dealer, 20 peg makers and my personal favourite 9 artificial eye makers.

"Based on the information provided it will ensure money is invested in the services we need in Buckinghamshire, such as emergency services, mental health care, school places, hospital beds, houses, roads, and GP and dental services.

"While many will be able to simply complete the form online, our team are ready to help anyone who is struggling and needs some support."

Buckinghamshire library staff and Adult Learning staff have been trained and are available to help people complete the form.

The Community Engagement and Development team are linking in with partner organisations to share census fliers with clients which will help spread the word to less heard from communities.

For example, this year is the first optional questions on sexuality and gender identification.

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