Aylesbury teen returns after sailing around Britain solo

Tim Long is the youngest person to complete the trip.

Author: Scarlett Bawden-GaulPublished 2nd Oct 2020

The Aylesbury teen has raised money for charity during his trip.

Timothy Long from Aylesbury, has returned home from his solo trip around Britain and at 15 years old he is the youngest person to complete this trip.

The trip was a challenge for the sailor but also gave him a chance to fundraise for the Ellen MachArthur Cancer Trust.

Ellen MacArthur has been Timothy’s greatest inspiration since reading her books as child.

When he learned about the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust – the national charity that empowers young people aged 8-24 to embrace their future after cancer through sailing and outdoor adventure – he wanted to help. He was too young to volunteer so decided to fundraise.

At the time of writing his trip had raised over £8,300 for the organisation.

Timothy said:

“The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust does amazing work with young people to rebuild their confidence after cancer treatment, and the experience of being together on a boat can be a real turning point for people who have been through the worst of times.

“My 20-hour passage between Eyemouth to Stonehaven in Scotland made me think of being in the shoes of the young people the Trust supports. I can’t even imagine being diagnosed with cancer at this age, but people are and have to go through years of treatment, it’s crazy. How can you return back to normal life after such a terrible experience without the support of the Trust?”

During his voyage he sailed an average 50 miles per day, with several passages of up to 100 miles.

He battled giant waves, gale force winds, 17 hours in thick fog in the Bristol Channel and on occasions sailed for 24 hours straight, sleeping for just 20 minutes at a time.

There have been wonderful moments too; of perfect sailing, magical sunrises and sunsets and beautiful scenery and wildlife including dolphins, seals, birds and even a pilot whale.

Ellen MacArhur said:

“It is an incredible achievement for anyone to sail single-handed around Britain, but to do it at 15 really is something else. While Timothy will always have the personal satisfaction of that achievement, the legacy of what he’s done will be even more far-reaching in terms of helping to change the lives of young people in recovery from cancer.

“Young people are going to need the Trust more than ever after COVID-19 as the pandemic has amplified the feelings of isolation, loneliness, anxiety, anger and fear experienced by young people undergoing cancer treatment and their families. I send Timothy my warmest congratulations and thank him on behalf of every young person the Trust supports.”