Aylesbury school welcomes new starters with covid measures in place today

The Aylesbury school has introduced a range of measures to allow for staff and students to return safely.

Covid safety measures
Author: Scarlett Bawden-GaulPublished 3rd Sep 2020

Pebble Brook School in Aylesbury will reopen for new starters today, before welcoming back all students on Monday.

To prepare for the new term a number of safety measures and changes have had to made to make the school a safe environment for staff and pupils.

Head Teacher Dave Miller says these safety measures have been months in the making:

"The conversation around change and getting the right strategies implemented has gone on throughout the summer, well it's gone on since lockdown started in March.

"But, we've got a new challenge now to open for every single pupil.

"We are talking to the staff and the pupils when they come back about what we are expecting and we are expecting safety for everyone."

A range of measures have been put in place at the school, the most familiar to people will be the social distancing rule.

A distance of 2 metres is advised by the school, however where not possible this is 1 metre.

Anyone who feels they have been in close proximity to another person for a lengthy period of time can log it on the schools system in case cases are confirmed at the school.

Some of the other measures put in place include; individual stationary for each pupils, teachers moving for classes rather than pupils, new sinks in the playground, separated key stages and cleaning boxes for staff.

Jan Lovis is deputy head, who says communication has been important when it comes to reopening safety measures:

"We have had a huge amount of guidance that has changed and evolved regularly from the government.

"There are some things that have said must, but the local authority have been very helpful in collating that information and publishing it to schools so you know what you have to do and you know what you have leway to do.

"Headteachers and schools are allowed to use their discretion in a lot of this because every school is different in size and what they can do etc."

Pupil and parents are also important when it comes to communication.

During lockdown doorstep homework drops and phone calls were used to keep in touch, and as pupils return the school are welcoming questions and feedback on the processes put in place.