Wiltshire Police poke fun at wanted driver caught speeding

They say if you are wanted by the police, may be don't break the speed limit...

Author: James DiamondPublished 8th Oct 2020
Last updated 8th Oct 2020

Wiltshire Police have put out a tongue in cheek tweet saying if you are a wanted criminal, breaking the speed limit is probably a bad idea.

Their special ops team posted last night, saying they caught someone doing more than 100 miles per hour on the M4:

They added that not only was the driver already wanted for two offences, they were also unlicensed, not driving their own car and the vehicle didn't have an MOT.

Alongside the police, members of the public clearly also were not impressed, with one user replying: "Were they born dim?"

Another called them a "muppet", while a third used a phrase we probably should not repeat...