Wiltshire historian supporting veterans by 'Walking Home for Christmas'

He is now asking the general public to get involved

Published 25th Nov 2020
Last updated 25th Nov 2020

Wiltshire historian James Holland has launched, and will participate in, a campaign to support ex-military personnel with their mental health.

According to a recent national survey, 68% of Britons say that their mindset has been negatively impacted by the pandemic.

Research by charity Walking With The Wounded suggests that the ongoing uncertainty around Christmas is causing more stress.

Nearly half of respondents are worried they cannot spend the festive period with loved ones.

So James, who founded the Chalke Valley History Festival along with the 'Pub Landlord' Al Murray, has kick-started the 'Walking Home For Christmas 2020' initiative.

It is raising vital funds for the charity.

They are asking people to walk somewhere personally important, in aid of veterans who may be struggling since leaving the military.

The pair, who also host a podcast about World War II, will be embarking on a trek too.

James and Al are set to walk to some of the Second World War 'Pillboxes' along the GHQ line, set-up as a defensive reinforcement in case the Germans tried to invade.

The historian said:

"While many of us admit to speaking with family members to help with mental health throughout lockdown, we need to spare a thought for those without family this Christmas and those suffering with loneliness.

"Walking With The Wounded launches their annual Christmas fundraiser Walking Home For Christmas, in order to help our ex-military who are in need of support and especially during this lonely time.

"We know that talking and daily exercise help to tackle our mental health issues, but humour and camaraderie is also a great way to battle the stresses caused by Covid-19.

"This is a time like no other to pull together and help to pick up those in need".

People can take part in the sponsored walk between 10 and 20 December.


Here are some of the charity's suggestions on how to raise cash:

  • Walk 12 miles of Christmas on 12 December.
  • Be inspired by our Walk of Oman team and cover 400km
  • Do a good deed with your walk by delivering a parcel or a series of presents
  • Walk from an NHS site, war memorial or barracks to your home or a pub
  • Create your own Strava Art message to map out your support

For all the details, visit walkinghomeforchristmas.com.