Thousands of trees to be planted in Chippenham

They want to double the number of trees in the town by 2026

Author: Matthew McLaughlinPublished 6th Jun 2021

Chippenham is set to plant thousands of new trees in the town over the next five years.

At last night’s Amenities, Culture and Leisure Committee meeting, town councillors voted unanimously to approve a new tree planting policy.

This new policy will seek to double the number of trees in the town by 2026, as well as creating a tiny forest in Monkton Park by planting 600 shrubs and trees.

Currently, the town council maintains around 2,000 trees.

Tiny Forests are a scheme by Earthwatch UK that seeks to maximise the environmental benefits of trees in urban areas.

Cllr Desna Allen applauded this aspect of the policy which would see a Tiny Forest — roughly the size of a tennis court — planted.

It is hoped that planting of the Tiny Forest will begin in winter this year with the local community encouraged to play their part in the project.

Other areas of focus for the tree planting policy include Donkey Fields, John Coles Park and Stanley Park.