Secondary pupils 'should wear face masks on schools buses'

School children in Somerset are being asked to wear face masks on school buses from today.

Somerset County Council is one of the authorities being dissolved
Published 15th Sep 2020
Last updated 15th Sep 2020

The county council say while it isn't mandatory they think secondary school aged kids should wear them.

Faye Purbrick, Somerset County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education, says they're leaving the final decision up to parents.

She said: "We know the risks from COVID-19 to children and young people are low but it’s very important we try minimize the spread of the disease.

"Our priority is to make school transport as safe as possible so that students feel safe to return to school.

"Wearing a face covering on the journey is an important part of reducing the potential spread of Covid-19 to children, drivers, school staff and family members.

“We know some children aren’t able to wear coverings but we would ask that where it is possible, that parents encourage their children to do so with immediate effect.”

You can find Government guidance on face coverings here