Rat problem eases after clean up in which staff find a car and a boat!

An over grown garden in Burnham-on-Sea is now said to be attracting fewer rats following council intervention.

The garden after cleaning where a boat and a car were found by council staff
Author: Andrew KayPublished 4th May 2021

Residents have complained to Sedgemoor District Council’s Environmental Protection Team about the un-occupied property.

They have now thanked the council’s cleaning team for their work clearing out the garden and reducing rat activity.

A spokesperson for Sedgemoor District Council said: "Staff from Sedgemoor District Council’s Environmental Protection Team had received complaints from a resident in Burnham-on-Sea about an un-occupied neighbouring property with an extremely overgrown garden.  The bramble cover was attracting rats and vermin, as well the overgrown vegetation growing into nearby properties.

The garden before work started

"After months of trying to the track down and contact the absent owner, the team applied to the courts for a warrant under the Public Health Act and alongside pest control staff,  they examined the property.   The garden was cleared by Sedgemoor’s Clean Surrounds Team and bait was put out for rats.  Underneath the mass of brambles and weeds, the cleaning team found a car and a boat. 

"The neighbours have now reported a significant improvement in rat activity and were grateful for the council’s help."