'Lockdown has made us more aware of our local environment and now we need to protect it'

A new Somerset eco centre is being created - which it’s hoped will help lead change right across the South West.

An image of an eco rally from before the pandemic supplied by the founders of the new Somerset Eco Centre
Author: Andrew KayPublished 12th Nov 2020

The group behind it are offering lifelong membership for £1 to get more of us to sign up and pledge to make changes.

Director Alison Price says attitudes to our local environment have changed after lockdown forced us to spend time closer to home. She believes more people are now prepared to take action to protect their local areas.

The aim of the Eco-Centre is to 'promote sustainability by helping Somerset residents, and businesses, get the practical help and information they need to reduce carbon emissions and waste'.

Spokesperson Sarah Leppard said: “We want to create a centre of excellence, not only for Somerset, but for the whole of the South West.

“We want to inspire people, and make it easier for them to take the steps needed to tackle climate change and sustain the environment.

“Life has changed for all of us since the start of coronavirus. Aside from the horrible statistics, we have all spent more time in our communities.

“Many people have been walking and cycling more, trying to grow their own food and spending more time in nature. Hopefully noticing how important it is.

“We can all play a part on protecting it – working together towards a greener future. With your help and support we can do it.”

Member Steve Howell added: “The Eco-Centre is moving forward at such a pace, we need more people to make it a big success and an amazing resource for the South-West.

“Now is a great time to join us, it’s the start of the adventure. Whilst it is hugely helpful if you can build websites or do accounts, we are also looking for people that are simply passionate about creating the sustainable future that we all desperately need.”

“The Eco-Centre is looking for both people to become members as supporters, as well volunteers who can help get the project off the ground.

“It’s an ambitious project with lots of areas to develop, most of which need people.”

More information and details of how to join the Eco-Centre can found on Facebook @Somerset.EcoHub or by emailing info@EcoCentreSW.org