Stratford child sex offender jailed

A man - who spied on two children in a shop changing room and sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl - has been jailed.

Author: Ben CartwrightPublished 20th Apr 2023

Luke Poland, 27, of Percy Street, Stratford was sentenced to 34 months in prison at Warwick Crown Court today (Wednesday 19 March).

He was also made subject of an indeifinte Sexual Harm Prevention Order and ordered to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register indefinitely.

Poland had previously pleaded guilty to sexual assault, sexual activity in the presence of a child, exposure, voyeurism and intentionally attempting to cause or incite a girl aged 15 to engage in sexual activity.

In 2017, Poland sexually assaulted a 12 year-old girl at his home.

In 2019, he befriend a 14-year-old girl online by pretending to be the same age. After the girl sent him a photo of herself he replied with an explicit photo of himself.

In 2021, Poland exposed himself to a waitress as she served him at a restaurant in Stratford.

In 2022, he attempted to entice a 15-year-old girl into his car in Coventry.

Then in January this year, police were called to a shop in The Parade, Leamington, following reports from a member of staff that a man had used his phone to film two young girls in the changing room.

Following a public CCTV appeal Poland was identified as the offender and arrested by police.

Detective Constable Simon Harvey from Leamington CID, who investigated the incident in Parade, Leamington, said: “Poland has a concerning sexual interest in children and is quite willing to act on his disturbing fantasies. He quite clearly poses a danger to young girls and deserves to be in prison.

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