Coronavirus: New restrictions for Birmingham, Solihull and Sandwell

It's after a spike in infections

Author: Megan JonesPublished 15th Sep 2020
Last updated 15th Sep 2020

Birmingham, Sandwell and Solihull have moved to 'areas of intervention'.

It means residents in those areas will not be able to mix with people they don’t live with, in their homes or gardens from Tuesday 15 September 2020.

Your household is defined as the people you live with and any support bubble.

Households that have formed a support bubble with another single adult household behave as if everyone lives in the same house.

The new restrictions have been introduced after a spike in infections.

Nationwide, the rule of 6 for social gatherings was implemented from Monday as cases rise across England.

With the new restrictions coming in today (15 September) we asked you on Twitter, if you understand them.

More than 50% of you said no:

So, if you still aren't quite sure on what the new restrictions mean, here's a helpful Q&A from Birmingham City Council:

What is a support bubble?

A support bubble is a close support network between a household with only one adult in the home (known as a single-adult household) and one other household of any size.

Once you’re in a support bubble, you can think of yourself as being in a single household with people from the other household.

It means you can have close contact with that household as if they were members of your own household.

Once you make a support bubble, you should not change who is in your bubble.

Can I still go to a hospitality venue like a pub or a restaurant and meet up with family or friends that don’t live with me?

Yes, pubs and restaurants have to have Covid-safety risk assessments in place and must be managing the space to keep you safe.

From Monday 14 September, the rule of six applies for meeting up OUTSIDE private homes and gardens in Birmingham, this is the same as the rest of the country.

Why can I go to the workplace, school, or hospitality venues, but I can’t visit other households?

We understand that it can be frustrating to be able to go to these certain places but not visit your family and friends within their household.

However, the reason that these restrictions have come in place is that the data shows that the infection rate has risen mainly due to social interactions, particularly in private household gatherings.

In places such as shops, cafes and restaurants, there are strict measures in place to ensure safety, whereas it is much easier to cause a spread in someone’s house where people are less vigilant.

Can I still meet other households in outdoor public spaces e.g. local parks?

Yes, these rules only apply to households, including indoors and gardens. However, you must still be in line with the maximum numbers stated in the national guidelines.

Can I go to meet a friend or relative in their home in an area not subject to these restrictions such as Wolverhampton?

No – and they cannot come to your home either.

Can I still travel to work or school?

People living inside and outside of these areas can continue to travel for work or school. Workplaces and schools themselves should also be implementing secure measures.

How are community activities like support groups, clubs and classes affected?

Activities organised by community and voluntary organisations, including physical activity, education, providing support to vulnerable people, youth groups, charitable and voluntary work, are allowed to exceed the limit of 6 people based on their individual Covid risk assessment.

However, particular care must be taken to stringently follow guidance on social distancing, handwashing and the taking of attendees’ details for purposes of contact tracing.

Can I have someone in my house (or go into someone’s house) to do repairs or other work?

You can go to other people’s homes for work purposes as long as you follow national guidance on how to work safely there.

This includes limiting contact with customers, explaining your safety measures to them, making sure your staff are properly trained and understand what they need to do and avoiding crowded areas.

Check before you go if anyone in your customers’ house has symptoms.

Can I go to a wedding or a funeral?

Weddings, civil partnership ceremonies, and funerals (including ceremonies at crematoriums) can still go ahead if they comply with the guidance and venue capacity, these are limited to a maximum number of 30 people current in national guidelines.

People living in Birmingham can travel to attend a wedding, civil partnership ceremony, or funeral, but they must not meet with another household in a private home or garden.

Can I go to a place of worship?

You may attend a Mosque, Church, Synagogue, Temple, and other place of worship, but you should socially distance from people outside of your household.

Please also follow guidance that these establishments have set out.

Can businesses that visit other households continue?

Businesses can continue as normal as per national current guidance if they are Covid safe.

Does this affect education?

All schools, colleges and other educational establishments should remain open and continue to allow all their students to attend.

Do pupils now need to wear face coverings in schools?

The only difference in education settings as a result of the updated rules is that where pupils in year 7 and above are educated, face coverings should be worn by adults and pupils when moving around the premises, outside of classrooms, such as in corridors and communal areas where social distancing cannot easily be maintained.

Does this affect childcare?

All nurseries, childminders and breakfast/after-school clubs should remain open and continue to allow all their children and young people to attend.

What about if a relative provides childcare for me?

Friends or family who you do not live with should not visit your home to help with childcare unless they are part of your support bubble.

The only people who should help you with childcare in your home are people you live with, people in your support bubble or registered childcare providers, including nannies.

Is this a local lockdown?

No, these restrictions only apply to the mixing of households in private households and gardens.

Is shielding being reintroduced for the vulnerable in the city?

No. These new restrictions only apply to the mixing of households in private households and gardens.

What do I do if I see people breaking the rules?

If you encounter individuals breaching the restrictions, you can fill out a reporting breach of restrictions form with West Midlands Police.

If you are concerned that a business or venue is not following the Government's regulations, you can anonymously report them to the council.

How long can we expect these restrictions to go on for?

These restrictions will go on for as long as is needed to bring down the coronavirus rates of infection. They will be reviewed regularly with Government.

At the moment, these restrictions massively impact parents, and there's been a huge response since the restrictions were announced.

So, Birmingham City Council are writing to ask the Government to make childcare exempt from local restrictions.

If you need more information - you can head over to the government website, where there's a dedicated page explaining the restrictions.

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