27 signs you are not a morning person

Mornings can be a battle for some... do these 27 things apply to you?

Published 11th Jun 2015
Last updated 1st Feb 2017

There are two types of people in this world – those who embrace mornings… and those that hit snooze and roll over.

Here are the signs that give you away!

You can't name any breakfast TV presenters.

In fact, breakfast is an unfamiliar concept.

Coffee means more to you than water.

You have only ever seen the sunrise on TV and movies.

You convince yourself that an extra 10 minutes of sleep will make you less tired.

You’re probably thinking about going back to sleep right now.

You have never used the phrase I’ll sleep when I’m dead – never disrespect sleep like that!

You once read an article about geniuses working late at night and now you’re convinced that’s also you.

You’ve mastered the art of running for a bus whilst carrying a coffee.

Hitting the snooze button 10 times is part of your daily routine.

Waking up for a morning work-out isn’t real.

The only time you see the world pre-7am is to get on a flight (and even that sort of annoys you).

You pour orange juice on your cereal on average 3 times a week.

Your peak Netflix watching time is between 1-2am every night – one…more…episode.

You hate any form of communication before 10am.

There is no such thing as a 9am meeting... unless it's your face meeting the pillow.

Cracking a smile feels like an actual gym workout.

Your friends know better than calling or texting you before midday and expecting a quick response.

You open your curtains when you get home from work each day.

Your afternoon is spent working tirelessly through stuff from the morning.

If you didn’t have an alarm on the weekends, you would probably sleep the whole day away.

When you’re on holiday, you refuse to get up early to 'do stuff'.

People who love mornings are the enemy.

You describe waking up late as 'building suspense'.

You’re only up early if you are still up from the night before.

You wake up in stages.

You are never early to work.

How many of these apply to you?

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Garry Spence

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