Teenager to serve a minimum of 17 years in jail for murder near Boston

It follows the fatal stabbing of a 12 year old boy

Lincoln Crown Court
Author: PA Media Published 8th Nov 2021
Last updated 8th Nov 2021

The 15 year old boy convicted of murdering a 12 year old near Boston, after luring him to woodland, has been jailed for a minimum of 17 years.

We can now name Marcel Grzeszcz as the boy who carried out the knife attack on Roberts Buncis at Fishtoft last December just 2 days before his 13th birthday.

This was a case that shocked the entire country.

A teenager took a knife and repeatedly stabbed his victim on land at Fishtoft.

In court it was described as a "brutal and prolonged" attack.

The teenager's trial at Lincoln Crown Court was told he stabbed Roberts "in excess of 70 times", with a wound to the neck.

Reporter, Aaron Renfree, was at Lincoln Crown Court:

The youth admitted manslaughter midway through his trial but denied murder.

The defendant claimed the victim had taken the knife to the scene and he "lost control" when the youngster attempted to stab him, but jurors dismissed his argument and concluded he was "motivated by anger".

Sentencing the youth on Monday, Mr Justice Jeremy Baker told him: "When the two of you met up in the wooded area, I'm satisfied while the deceased was unarmed and unaware of what was to take place, you came armed with a large knife and with latex gloves intending at that time, at the very least, to cause him serious bodily harm."

The judge lifted a reporting restriction barring naming of Grzeszcz following an application by media agencies.

Today the teenager was told he'll serve at least 17 years for his crime.

In court Roberts Buncis' dad Edgars read a victim impact statement saying, "this is wrong no father should have to bury his son, it doesn't make sense."

"I've lost my destination, purpose, my life is in the cemetery".

"I miss him, I feel empty, nothing will change this"