Sturgeon to lead minority Government

Nicola Sturgeon has announced she will lead a minority Scottish Government after securing a "clear and unequivocal mandate'' in the elections.

Nicola Sturgeon
Published 6th May 2016

The SNP leader will ask MSPs to re-elect her as First Minister after her party won 63 seats at Holyrood, two short of a majority. Speaking on the steps of Bute House, Ms Sturgeon said:

"We won a clear and unequivocal mandate, and I secured the personal mandate I sought to implement the bold and ambitious programme for government that I asked the country to vote for.

"So, I can confirm that when it reconvenes in the coming days, I will ask the Scottish Parliament to formally re-elect me as the First Minister of Scotland.

"It will then be my intention to lead an SNP government.

"With such a large group of MSPs elected, I don't intend to seek any formal arrangement with any other parties.''