Lord McConnell's former advisor returns to Holyrood as SNP MSP

Jeane Freeman is no stranger to Holyrood, having served as a senior adviser to Jack McConnell during his tenure as first minister.

Published 6th May 2016

Jeane Freeman is no stranger to Holyrood, having served as a senior adviser to Jack McConnell during his tenure as first minister.

This time she is back as an SNP MSP representing the Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley constituency.

Ms Freeman was born in Ayr and attended Glasgow College of Technology, becoming the first female chair of the National Union of Students Scotland.

She has more than 25 years of experience in public policy in the private and public sectors, as a senior civil servant, chief executive of Scottish and UK NGOs, UK parliamentary researcher and in broadcast media.

From 2001 to 2005, she was a senior political adviser to Lord McConnell, working on the Scottish budget, the government's legislative programme, relations with the UK government and in the finance, health and justice portfolios.

She has been chair of the Golden Jubilee Foundation Health Board for seven years and a non-executive member of the Scottish Police and Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland.

She was an active campaigner in the Scottish independence referendum, as a part of Yes Scotland, and as a founding member of Women for Independence.

Ms Freeman has also worked as a columnist for The National newspaper.