Highland votes NO

Published 19th Sep 2014

The Highland count was the last to be announced in the country. It was pushed well into the morning by the late arrival of ballot boxes from the far north. A road accident on the A9 at the Berriedale Braes meant a van transporting boxes from Caithness had to be diverted.

Initially, despite nerves, both sides were quietly confident they would win the day. However, as results streamed in from around the country, the no campaign appeared to be enjoying the night far more. Projections had the regional vote split 60/40 in favour of keeping the union together. Scottish Government minister Fergus Ewing described his campaign's 'disappointment' by the success of the No campaign across the country.

As the night rolled on, fatigue took its toll on both sides. Votes were still being counted, while some from the Yes campaign decided to take their leave. Once the announcement of the national No victory came through, Better Together supporters cheered and congratulated each other. However the Highland count rolled on.

It would be around 7:00am before we would learn the turnout for the area: 87%; with 165,976 people casting their ballot. And it would be another hour after that before we would learn which way the Highlands leaned.

It was a narrow win for the No side, 87,739 (53%) to 87,739 (47%). 168 ballots were spoiled.