WWF Scotland calls for more investment in emission reduction projects

Published 19th Sep 2016

Environmental campaigners have urged ministers to invest in projects that reduce emissions as they claimed a majority of people support a low carbon future for Scotland.

The call was made by WWF Scotland, which said ambitious new policies are needed to keep addressing climate change.

The charity has released polling data which found about three-fifths (61%) of the public agree ''the Scottish Government should invest in projects that reduce emissions, like public transport and affordable heat networks, to create a low carbon Scotland''.

WWF Scotland director Lang Banks said: ''With the majority of Scots supporting a low carbon future for Scotland, ministers should feel confident in bringing in policies which will help us to meet our challenging climate targets while also creating new jobs across the country.

''It's great that Scotland has met its 42% emissions reduction target six years early but we know bolder policies are needed. The Scottish Government's forthcoming climate action plan needs to bring forward ambitious new policies in sectors such as heat, housing and transport if we're to continue to bring down our carbon emissions and reap the economic and social benefits of doing so.''

The organisation spoke out on the day the Scottish Parliament's Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee takes evidence on this issue.

The survey of 1,000 people north of the border was conducted by nfpSynergy on behalf of the charity in April this year.