Woman pulled over by fake police officer in Fife

The 25 year old was driving on the A911 at the time.

Published 22nd Nov 2016

A woman has told how she was pulled over by a fake cop in Fife as real officers launched a hunt for the impostor.

Calise Maclean, 25, was driving on the A911 Leslie Road in Glenrothes last Monday when she was signalled to pull over by a black BMW with a blue flashing light in the grille.

When the "officer" approached Miss Maclean realised that rather than being in full uniform he was instead wearing a t-shirt with police written on the sleeve.

She refused to get out of the car before the fantasist who had stopped her drove off.

Miss Maclean said she "dreaded to think" what the man would have done had she followed his orders.

Writing on Facebook, Calise said: "A few nights ago I was stopped by what I thought was an unmarked police car, it was a black three series BMW.

"When the person approached my window and asked for license I realised they were not wearing the correct police outfit instead had only black trousers and a t shirt that had police written on the arm.

"I asked what I was stopped for and they hesitated and insisted I got in their car for follow up questions.

"I refused and he asked me to wait a few minutes,.

"I then noticed two gentlemen getting out either side of the car and walk towards mine at this point I drove away home.

"Police were involved and confirmed tonight it was not police who stopped me.

"Who knows what these people wanted and I dread to think what could have happened if I got in their car.

"So please everyone be careful for these people trying to stop you if you feel unsafe drive to the nearest police station you will not get in more trouble even if it is police."

Police have appealed for witnesses following the "suspicious incident", which occurred near the Fettykil Fox restaurant around 12.20am on Monday November 14.

Inquiries conducted by officers have confirmed that the BMW was not a police car, nor was the male a police officer.

An investigation is now underway to determine the full circumstances surrounding this incident and anyone with information has been asked to come forward.

The driver of the BMW vehicle is described as a tall, thin man with a tanned complexion and dressed in dark clothing similar to a police officer.

Community Inspector Joanne McEwan from Glenrothes Police Station said: “The driver did the right thing by acting on her suspicions, not getting out of her car and contacting police.

“This seems to have been an isolated incident and we have not had any similar reports locally however we are keen to hear from anyone who can help us with our inquiries.”

A force spokesman added: "Anyone with information is asked to call officers on 101 or anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."