WATCH: Young drivers given powerful message at Edinburgh exhibition

Road accidents are the biggest killer of young people in Scotland.

Published 5th Oct 2016

Hundreds of secondary school pupils are taking part in an exhibition this week aiming to reduce the number of young casualties on the road.

Road traffic accidents are the biggest killer of young people in Scotland, causing nearly three quarters of accidental deaths among 17-25 year-olds.

As part of the 'Streets Ahead' young drivers event, teeneagers were adressed by crash survivor Laura Torrance, who was left paralysed in an accident oin 1999.

The event at the Corn Exchange also featured a host of interactive displays to highlight dangers of getting behind the wheel.

Councillor Adam McVey, City of Edinburgh Council's Transport Vice Convener, said: "There's no doubt it's an exciting time in a young person's life when they first get behind the wheel as a newly qualified driver. However the statistics on road casualties and deaths among young people make for very sobering reading. "Our Young Drivers events drive home some very hard-hitting messages in a fun and engaging way. Pupils and teachers who have attended in previous years have found the sessions extremely helpful and thought-provoking and I'm sure those coming along this year will get a lot out of it too. "The Council and our Streets Ahead partners are committed to our shared Vision Zero for the Capital where all road users are safe from the risk of being killed or seriously injured on our roads. These powerful Young Drivers events are an invaluable tool to help us achieve this goal."