WATCH: Scottish political leaders comment on US election result

They've been speaking after Donald Trump's victory in the vote.

Published 9th Nov 2016

Scotland's political leaders have been giving their reaction to Donald Trump's victory in the US election.

The First Minister has said the verdict of the American people must be respected.

Nicola Sturgeon congratulated Mr Trump on his win, but said she hopes he will reach out to those who felt marginalised by his campaign and make clear that he will be a president for everyone in a modern, multicultural America.

She also paid tribute to defeated Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton and said she is disappointed she will not become America's first woman president.

Ms Sturgeon said: While this is not the outcome I hoped for, it is the verdict of the American people and we must respect it. I congratulate president-elect Trump on winning the election.''

Other Scottish political figures have been giving their thoughts on the result.

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale had some strong words to say:

Patrick Harvie from the Scottish Greens branded the result "profoundly depressing:

Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie was shocked:

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said: "It's not the result I wanted, but we now have to hope that President Trump turns out to be a different man to candidate Trump.

"Mr Trump tapped into the disaffection we are seeing across the world right now due to economic uncertainty. That's not something we can ignore.

"Those of us who believe open, western values are the best way to provide economic security for people now have to redouble our efforts to show they deliver for people."