WATCH: Scotland's largest US election party ends in shock

Hundreds gathered in Edinburgh to watch the race to the White House unfold.

Published 9th Nov 2016

Hundreds gathered in Edinburgh for Scotland's biggest US election party, which has ended in a shock win for Donald Trump.

The event at Potterrow was organised by Edinburgh University North American Society and the Edinburgh Political Union.

Celebrations kicked off at 10pm and spirits were high among a large number of American students and locals.

Slowly it became clear that the race for the White House was going to be alot closer than many had predicted.

We also spoke to Wendy Toscano, who told us that Trump becoming President would leave her feeling "betrayed".

Now the Republican candidate is edging closer to US presidency after a string of shock swing state victories, including Florida, Ohio and North Carolina.

Maeve Hurson and Fiona MacDonald are Americans studying at Edinburgh University, and they gave us their reaction to the night's events.