WATCH: Police to use off-road motorbikes to tackle crime

Bauer (C)
Author: Hope WebbPublished 3rd Apr 2018

Police in Edinburgh are to use off-road motorbikes to tackle anti-social behaviour and theft.

The aim is to improve officers' access to land like parks and waste ground that is difficult to get to with regular force vehicles.

They will target crime hot spots, crack down on mass disturbances and discourage large groups congregating.

Tackling motorcycle theft and related disorder is said to be a key priority for authorities in the capital who are supporting Police Scotland's Operation Soteria.

Chief Superintendent Richard Thomas said: The people of Edinburgh do not want a small core group of individuals to risk lives by driving dangerously.

Police Scotland will use motorbikes alongside a range of other tactics to provide community reassurance, engage with young people and motor cyclists and act as a visible deterrent to anti-social behaviour both on and off city roads.

Our local officers will be very visible on these bikes in the coming weeks and I would encourage any of the local community to speak to a member of the Orbit team when they are on patrol.''

Four new off-road motorcycles have been bought by the Edinburgh Community Safety Partnership to be used by Police Scotland.

Specially trained officers will patrol locations at key times, especially at weekends, when residents experience the most distress from illegal off-road biking.

Councillor Amy McNeese-Mechan, chairwoman of Edinburgh Community Safety Partnership, said: The theft of motorbikes and related offences has become a real problem in parts of Edinburgh and one that is a matter of great concern to the local community.

This behaviour has a huge impact on victims and can have dangerous and tragic consequences.

This is a very exciting and pioneering step as it builds on successful joint working between the organisations and is a highly visible indication of work under way to tackle common problems, reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and bolster public confidence in what we are doing to combat these issues.'