WATCH: Police in north Edinburgh to use invisible tagging spray to target motorbike criminals

Bauer (C)
Author: Hope WebbPublished 27th Mar 2018

Police in north Edinburgh are to use an invisible tagging spray to target motorbike crime suspects.

Motorcycle disorder is a huge issue in the area and led to us launching our #BreakTheCycle campaign. Officers are now hoping this new tactic can make a huge difference to the way that it is dealt with.

A number of officers will be given the substance which can be directed at an individual suspected of motorbike crime. The spray can then be detected under a specialised light used only by Police Scotland.

That allows officers to connect a suspect to a crime scene or stolen motorbike.

The substance does not wash off for weeks or months, therefore allows suspects to be caught a period of time after a crime is committed.

This technique has been successfully trialed in England, and will be trialed in Edinburgh now before being rolled out across Scotland.