WATCH: Leith primary kids capture amazing space footage

They launched a high altitude helium balloon and polystyrene box with go-pro cameras attached.

Published 16th Jun 2016

Pupils from Leith Primary School have captured spectacular footage by attached a video camera to a helium balloon to the edge of the atmosphere.

The school kids launched a high altitude balloon from the foot of Ben Nevis on the 8th of June.

The balloon was carrying a polystyrene box, which had go-pro cameras attached to it, in order to catch footage of its journey.

The flight lasted 2 hours 25 mins and went to an estimated altitude of 30 kilometres.

Once it reached its peak height, the balloon then burst, sending it spiralling down to earth, before it landed near Loch Lomond.

The team of pupils and teachers then tracked down the box and cameras using a gps attached to it, and were able to recover the footage.