WATCH: Fire at Sikh temple described as 'targeted attack'

It happened in the early hours of Tuesday morning

Published 28th Aug 2018
Last updated 28th Aug 2018

A fire at a Sikh temple in Edinburgh is being treated as deliberate.

The doors to the Guru Nanak Gurdwara in Leith's Sheriff Brae were set alight some time between midnight and 5am on Tuesday August 28.

No one was injured but there is significant smoke damage inside the building.

Police Scotland would not confirm reports it was targeted by a petrol bomb.

Firefighters extinguished the fire at the front door and officers are now investigating along with police.

A post on the Guru Nanak Gurdwara Edinburgh Facebook page said: "Someone tried to burn down the front door. There's alot of internal smoke damage, and access to Gurdwara sahib has been denied by police, until smoke clears and is safe to enter.

"Sri guru Granth Sahib jee's saroops (scripture text) are untouched, but Devan hall has major smoke damage.

"Please note access to Gurdwara sahib is not possible at this point, we will aim to keep Sangat updated as much as possible.''

Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf also tweeted to say he's 'saddened' by the news.

Detective Inspector Clark Martin from Gayfield CID said: "Fortunately, the fire was extinguished relatively quickly and no on was injured, but nevertheless we are treating this incident with the utmost seriousness.

"Anyone who remembers seeing any suspicious activity around the temple, or in the Sheriff Brae area during the early hours of Tuesday morning should contact police immediately.

"In addition, anyone with any further information relevant to this investigation is also asked to come forward."

Inspector Andrew Johnson from Leith Police Station said: "At this time we do not know if this has been a random and reckless act, or a targeted attack on the temple.

"In addition to maintaining a continued dialogue with staff within the temple, and the wider Sikh community, we will have a high-visibility presence in the area while this investigation is conducted to engage with the public and offer reassurance.

"If you believe you know something that can assist with the ongoing inquiry into this incident then please speak to the officers on patrol, contact us via 101 or make an anonymous report to Crimestoppers."

Those with information can contact Gayfield CID via 101 and quote incident number 385 of the 28th August. Alternatively, an anonymous report can be made to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111