WATCH: Edinburgh spreads message of love at Orlando shooting vigil

Hundreds turned out to St Andrew Square, and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon addressed the crowd.

Published 15th Jun 2016

Hundreds of people in Edinburgh turned out to a vigil for the victims of the Orlando shooting, to spread a message of love.

The event took place in St Andrew Square and featured music from the Loud and Proud Scotland's LGBT choir, as well as the Edinburgh Gay Men's choir.

Speakers included Stonewall Scotland, an Edinburgh man who had lost a friend in the tragedy, leader of the Scottish Conservative party, Ruth Davidson, and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

They all expressed their condolences to the victims and those affected by the shooting in Orlando.

In the early hours of Sunday, 49 people were shot dead by a gunman inside a gay nightclub in Orlando, in what is thought to have been a hate-inspired crime.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon spoke to the crowds promising to stand "shoulder to shoulder" with LGBT people across Scotland, and fight for their rights.

The names of each victim were also read out one by one in front of a make-shift memorial.

Many from the LGBT community went along to express their solidarity.

The gunman in the attack in Orlando, Omar Mateen, was shot dead by police.