WATCH: Edinburgh mum shares experience of living in "unbearable" temporary accomodation

Forth News
Author: Hope WebbPublished 18th Mar 2019
Last updated 18th Mar 2019

An Edinburgh mum is sharing her experience of living in "unbearable" temporary accomodation with Forth News.

Emilie Barr, who has two kids, has been placed in a flat in Granton for the last two years. But since she moved in she's faced major issues with grey water and the stench it creates in her home.

She says the smell means there are constantly small flies in her flat and it makes raising her family extremely difficult. Her teenage daughter is also studying for exams.

Temporary accommodation has been topic of conversation in the capital, with concerns being raised over conditions and its use by the local authority.

Edinburgh Council previously promised to try and improve standards and end its use of B&Bs.

Emilie told Forth News: "It's incredibly embarrassing, I only have close friends and family in the house. The smell doesn't actually smell like grey water, it smells like sewage. It ends up making me feel really ill. We've all never been so ill in our lives as we have in this flat. It's just generally depressing on a day-to-day basis.

"I dread waking up every single day, depending on what the smell is like. I dread coming home everyday, waiting to see what the smell will be like.

It gets you down so much, it's the embarrassment. You feel like you live in a dirty enviroment."

Edinburgh Council told us officers have visited Emilie's property, identified a leak in piping and will today work on the issue.