WATCH: Edinburgh cancer survivor skydives to raise awareness

Claire from Edinburgh jetted off to New Zealand where she completed her first skydive in the name of cancer.

Published 4th Feb 2016

Inspirational breast cancer survivor Claire –Ann McCallum was chosen to kick off World Cancer Day in Scotland.

Claire of Edinburgh who was just 34 when diagnosed marked her recovery from the disease by jetting off to New Zealand where she completed her first skydive.

The dare devil moment from 15,000 ft over stunning Lake Taupo was captured on a video which Claire-Ann treasures.

Claire-Ann, now 36, said: “My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest before I jumped.

“We went up in what seemed like the smallest plane ever. It was a tandem jump so I was really scared as I was strapped to the instructor.

"I felt like freaking out then I said to him, do you know what, I got through cancer last year so I can do this.

"I screamed the whole way down but by the end of it you had to pull my head out of the clouds as I was as high as a kite.

“Cancer has made me a stronger person. Staying positive got me through some dark days and right from the start I was determined to kick cancer where it hurt. Not every day was a good day but there have been more highs than lows.

"Thanks to some amazing doctors, support from friends and family who were there for me every step of the way and research then I’m healthy, loving life and still here to give something back and help other people.”

IT expert Claire who took part in a clinical trial during cancer treatment signed up for the skydive as part of an activity packed, seven week trip of a lifetime last October to destinations including Bangkok, Vietnam Australia, New Zealand and Fiji.

Claire also dived with sharks and rode on buffalo during the holiday.

It was an unforgettable way to recharge her batteries after the toughest fight of her life.

She recalls vividly the moment on June 17 2014 when doctors at the Western General hospital in Scotland’s capital first told her she had cancer.

Claire had visited her doctor after discovering a small, pea sized lump on her left breast but it was a shock when tests confirmed it was a sign of cancer.

Claire said: “I didn’t cry but instead asked the doctor how they were going to get rid of the tumour.

“One of the hardest things was telling the people I loved about cancer. I was young and regularly ran 10ks and half marathons. There was no way I was going to let cancer get the better of me. I had surgery to have the lump removed around the time of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and I remember afterwards lying in hospital watching on television the opening ceremony with John Barrowman dancing along beside giant Tunnocks tea cakes and wondering if what I was seeing was really happening or whether the painkillers I was taking were actually too strong.”

Claire who has no children went through one cycle of IVF where five eggs were frozen before starting chemotherapy.

She lost her hair during treatment but instead started wearing a wig which she named Wendy.

A total of 19 radiotherapy sessions followed which Claire completed just before Christmas 2014. She took part in a clinical trial called Persephone, going on the drug Herceptin for 12 months to help prevent cancer returning.

Claire will also take tamoxifen for 10 years. And she threw herself in to helping organise a Relay for Life event for Cancer Research UK, raising vital funds to help beat cancer sooner.

It was also an emotional moment for Claire when after returning to her job at Standard Life she won a most inspirational employee award.