WATCH: 10-year-old boy to get bionic hand in time for Christmas thanks to donations

Author: Hope WebbPublished 11th Dec 2017

A 10-year-old boy from Gilmerton will get the Christmas gift of a lifetime this year as he receives a bionic hand.

Cameron Millar was born without a right hand but has always dreamed of getting a prosthetic hand illustrated with Star Wars characters.

Through Radio Forth's charity Cash For Kids, Cameron's Mum set up a fundraising page hoping to raise ÂŁ10,000 to pay for the new hand.

Within days hundreds of donations flooded the page and the target was met and Cameron will now receive his custom-made hand next week just time for Christmas.

Our reporter Hope Webb met him and asked what he is most excited to do with his new hand.

Cameron's Mum Margaret told Forth News: "It's been totally overwhelming, everybody donating to the page is just incredible. At this time of year it just makes you want to cry reading through all the messages and seeing everyone support him.

"It'll make a massive difference. This new hand is not like the average prosthetic. This is something completely different that is designed around kids for kids that will make them feel like a superhero. It's beneficial to them but makes them look cool too.

"He still won't be able to wash the dishes though, it's not allowed in water!"