Warning plans to slash Scottish fire service budget could have safety consequences
Fire crews say plans to cut £11m over the next year could slow down response times.
There is a warning plans to slash the budget for the fire service across Scotland could have serious safety implications for people in the community.
Over £11m worth of cuts are going to be made this year including 200 job losses.
John McKenzie, Scottish Secretary of the Fire Brigades Union said: "The fire service in Scotland is heading for a deep and long lasting crisis.
"We are already seeing fire appliances being withdrawn, jobs lost and response times to life threatening incidents increasing. In this latest document SFRS says that.
"We cannot realistically reduce costs without reducing workforce numbers.' I want to make it crystal clear to the Scottish Government and SFRS board - FBU members across Scotland will not stand by and accept our service being cut to bone, jobs lost and community safety compromised.
"The Scottish Government must immediately provide more money for this essential public service."
More cuts are due to come over the next three years including £11.3 million in 2024- 2025; £7.3 million in 2025-2026 and £6.9 million in 2026-2027.
We've asked the Scottish Government for comment.