Vandals destroy nursery garden at Fife school

Camdean Primary School
Author: Hope WebbPublished 17th Apr 2018

Vandals have left a nursery garden at a Fife school in ruins.

Staff at Camdean Primary in Rosyth returned after the Easter holidays to discover hundreds of pounds worth of damage.

Play equipment, most of which was donated to the school, was destroyed. The garden was also left badly damaged.

Headteacher Rosalind Frame told Forth News: "When we went through the damage to the nursery garden we discovered that some of the equipment built by the local community had damaged been thrown about the garden.

"We have been inundated with responses from the local community offering to either replace or rebuild any of the equipment. So hopefully it won't cost the school too much, but if we had had to go out and replace that equipment, it could have ran into several hundred pounds.

"We've been overwhelmed by the response. The nursery parents, grandparents and carers also all wanted to chip in and help clear the nursery garden. So the response from the local community has been absolutely fantastic."