Tories find over 10% of patients had to be treated outside their health board in the last year

Around one in 10 patients were treated outside of their own health board area last year, according to figures highlighted by the Scottish Conservatives.

Published 26th Dec 2016

Around one in 10 patients were treated outside of their own health board area last year, according to figures highlighted by the Scottish Conservatives.

The data from ISD Scotland showed more than 225,000 people had to travel to access the NHS.

The Tories said the figures indicated that the Scottish Government needs to reassess the level of service being provided in some parts of the country.

Health Secretary Shona Robison said there are very good reasons'' why patients are treated by another board.

The statistics cover new outpatient attendances, day cases, elective and non-elective patients.

They show that in 2015-16, 7.5% or just over 111,000 new outpatients attendances and 10.3% or almost 48,500 day cases were at a different board from where the patient lives.

The data also shows that 17.3% or just over 29,400 elective inpatient cases and 6.4% or just over 36,700 non-elective inpatient cases were seen at different boards.

The figures do not include those who sought private care or went to the National Waiting Times Centre at the Golden Jubilee in Glasgow.

Geographically there is also disparity in the number of patients who travelled, particularly in smaller health board areas.

But the data also reveals that 14.5% of new outpatient attendances in major boards like Fife were sent elsewhere, along with 20.8% in Highland.

In the Borders, almost half of elective inpatients were sent to other boards.

Scottish Conservative health spokesman Donald Cameron said: There will always be cases where travelling is the best thing medically for a patient, just as there will also be those who choose to go elsewhere to access quicker care.

However, these figures reveal how hundreds of patients every day are being inconvenienced by having to travel considerable distances.

That should tell the SNP that it needs to think again about the level of service delivered in some areas.

We know the NHS is hard-pressed under this Scottish Government, with staff overstretched, wards full to the brim, and GP practices unable to fill posts.

If that now means more patients are being forced to go to other parts of the country for treatment, it's an extremely bad reflection on the SNP's handling of Scotland's health service.''

Health Secretary Shona Robison said: There are very good reasons why people are treated outside their board areas.

Specialist care is provided in the most appropriate environment, regardless of board boundaries - this often provides better outcomes, as the clinicians involved have a sufficient volume of cases to maintain and improve their skills.

Also, in many cases it is easier for a patient to go to a hospital in a neighbouring board area, because it is nearer to their home.''

She added: Where clinically appropriate, we will continue to plan and deliver services at a local level.

Where there is evidence that better outcomes could only be reliably and sustainably produced by planning services on a regional or national level, we will respond to this evidence to secure the best possible outcomes.''