Our top 7 fun running facts in numbers

Come and join us at the Men’s 10k Edinburgh

Published 26th Oct 2016

To celebrate Forth 1’s partnership with the Men’s 10k Edinburgh we have found seven fun running facts in numbers.

1. 800 to 1000 - The average male will burn in the region of 800-1000 calories doing a 10km run!


2. 5 - This equates to about 5 pints of lager!


3. 3 ½ - It also equates to about three and a half McDonald’s Big Macs!


4. 3 ½ - Or if you prefer, three and a half 14 inch pizzas!


5. 1 - Human feet are actually capable of producing up to 1 pint of sweat each day… eeuuurgh!


6. 200 – Humans use 200 muscles to take a single step!


7. 1 billion - Over 1 billion pairs of running shoes are sold world-wide each year


Only one other number you need to remember…2! Well actually the 2nd of November as entries close at 5pm on the 2nd for the Edinburgh Men’s 10k!

Go on enter now and burn off those 5 pints!