Three Men Jailed For Life Over Murder Of Dad Thomas Lamb

Published 24th Jul 2015

Three men have been sentenced to serve at least 20 years behind bars for the brutal murder of a dad in Edinburgh.

James Watson (27) had been released from a five year sentence just a week before he - along with his bother Paul (29) and their friend Gary Sim (21) - killed Thomas Lamb (pictured) in the middle of a street last September.

The trio had been out celebrating James Watson's release at the Tor Pub on Restalrig Road - but once there, Sim assaulted Mr Lamb.

Later in the evening he and his callous pals confronted the 46 year old again in the street at Restalrig Circus - stabbing him to death with a knife and garden fork.

Their victim had recently celebrated his birthday and prosecutors haven't been able to establish a motive for the crime - although it's thought there had been a minor argument over a game of pool in the pub.

On Friday, a jury convicted the three men of murder.

Judge Lord McEwan sentenced the trio to life imprisonment and ordered the three thugs to each serve a minimum of 20 years in custody.

Passing sentence, the judge added: "This was a wanton, despicable and disgraceful attack in the streets of Edinburgh which was undoubtedly fuelled by alcohol.

"None of you are of good character. Sim, you have a deplorable record.

"The penalty is fixed by law to be life. As I cannot distinguish between any of you, I shall impose the punishment part of the sentence to be 20 years."