Teen sexually assaulted woman on train in West Lothian

police hunt youngster responsible for attack on Saturday morning at Uphall

Published 2nd Dec 2015

British Transport Police say a woman was sexually assaulted by a teenager on a train in West Lothian.

The 45 year old was boarding the 06:54 service at Uphall to Edinburgh Waverley on Saturday morning when the youngster attacked her.

He was with a group of teenagers.

Officers investigating the unsavoury incident are reviewing CCTV from the train and the station in an attempt to identify the person responsible who is described as being aged between 15 and 18 years, slim, with brown hair and wearing a blue t-shirt.

Detective Constable Paul Farquhar is appealing for anyone who may have witnessed the assault to contact British Transport Police. He said: “This assault left the victim upset and I am hopeful that anyone who was at the station or on the train and has information which can identify those involved will feel able to get in touch.”

British Transport Police can be contacted on 0800 40 50 40 or by texting 61016. Information can also be given to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.