Teen charged in Edinburgh vandalism probe

He appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court earlier.

Published 9th Jan 2017

A teenager has been arrested and charged with 43 acts of vandalism in Edinburgh.

The 18-year-old has also been charged over damage to a number of cars in the north of the city as well as motorcycle offences and housebreaking.

He appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court earlier and has been remanded in custody, police said.

Chief Inspector Jimmy Jones said: This arrest demonstrates our continuing commitment to tackling anti-social behaviour in the north Edinburgh area.

We are actively targeting those who undertake this type of criminality and we will continue to work with our partners in the local government and justice sectors to eliminate this behaviour.

However, we cannot tackle these incidents without the support of the local community.

I would ask anyone with information regarding anti-social behaviour in their area to get in touch with us. Information can be shared anonymously and will be handled in the strictest confidence.''