Swan Rescued After Getting Stuck Up Telegraph Pole in Duddingston

Firefighters have rescued a swan which became tangled in telephone cables up a pole in Edinburgh on Monday night

Published 24th Feb 2015

Firefighters have rescued a swan which became tangled in telephone cables up a pole in Edinburgh on Monday night. The bird became stuck up the telegraph pole at around 10pm in Hamilton Drive which is next to Figgat Pond in Duddingston. A fire crew went to the scene after a warden from the Scottish SPCA called to ask for help in rescuing the swan. The firefighters used a short extension ladder and bird netting to bring the injured swan down to safety. The bird, which has a suspected broken wing, is now being cared for by the Scottish SPCA. The rescue operation, involving five firefighters, took around 35 minutes.

Animal rescue officer Steph Grant said, "The swan had become caught in telephone wires above an Edinburgh garden. "It was around 15ft up and in a great deal of distress as one of the wires had wrapped around its wing. "As it was wet last night the swan may have been confused and thought it was near a pond. "I called the fire and rescue service for assistance and would like to thank them for all their help. "They were fantastic throughout the rescue and were able to reach the swan using a ladder and bring it down to safety. "The swan is now in the care of a local vets where x-rays will be carried out."